What a great turnout—35 people attended September’s lecture at Bluewater Grill. We had an excellent presenter, Dr. Kuo, talking about THE CHANGING FACE OF HOW WE TREAT LUNG CANCER, which included screening, complete overview, and the newest scientific advances. A question/answer session followed, which included all cancer-related topics. Thanks to Dr. Kuo and all of you who attended our fall debut. And thank you Bluewater Grill, for providing excellent food and service for the event. See you all in October!
Michael Ratner Memorial volunteers, Maria Christy, left, and Casey Smith-Forrest, presents the Michael Ratner Memorial a generous sponsorship check on September 15, 2015 on behalf of AMTrust Bank (2200 East Camelback Road in Phoenix, Arizona). Thanks to everyone at AM Trust for their continuing support and assistance.
September 20, 2015 at 4:58 am
Thank you for facilitating the support group each month. I thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Kuo’s presentation. Do you have the availability to send out his PowerPoint slide presentation?
Happiness to your day,
September 20, 2015 at 4:56 am
Hi Terry-
I much enjoyed the group meeting Thursday and hope to attend future events.
I wonder if you’d share the contact info for the gentleman who
underwent surgery in February for esophagectomy? I’d like to reach out
to him.
Steve G Surgery 7/29/2015